The Saturday before Easter Caden went on an Easter Egg Hunt with Erica and Joclyn while I went to the doctor's (for an allergic reaction that has since cleared up). Apparently, Caden was much more interested in eating his snack than finding eggs. Later, we went down to our neighbor Melisa's house to dye eggs with Gordon, Donna, Jack, Bailey, and Molly. Caden's hands were pretty much in the green egg dye the whole time we were dying eggs and so we named him the Hulk because his hands were green for days afterwards. On Easter morning, Caden searched for eggs that the Easter bunny hid around our house. He had lots of fun and has had even more fun eating the candy. He has now become a candy monster. Because I was still not feeling well, I didn't cook an Easter dinner as planned, but we did go to the neighbors' house (Tricia, Chuck, Lexi, Gabi and Taylor). A few days later I cooked the ham and Erica and Joclyn came over as planned. That night Chuck and his son Stewart came over to plant a tre in the back yard. Yea- I finally have a tree in the back! All in all we had a nice Easter.