The roads in my neighborhood and many neighborhoods are very narrow. Often cars park on both sides of the road, which make the roads even narrower and with 2 way traffic, it makes driving up the road to my house an agonizing event for multiple times a day. I won't show you pictures of my poor car, which already has multiple scratches, but I will show you a picture of a truck that was trying to maneuver our street. We waited a good 5 minutes for the truck to move out of our walking path- although he was still stuck and had smashed the left front of his truck. We often have to back up on these narrow streets when on coming traffics impedes our progress. Just the other day, I had to back up to go a different way up to my house due to a truck blocking the road, only to meet up with another truck blocking my secondary route. After backing up, I finally made it home on my third attempt.
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